Codelite not building anything, build process never ends

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Codelite not building anything, build process never ends

Post by derkomai »


New user here trying to dump Eclipse and jump into CodeLite. I've created a codelite project from CMake, but when I try to build it, nothing seems to happen. The little blue balls in the bottom of the screen keep moving and say the build is in progress, but there's no output nor error message, and it never ends. It works for a simple CMake C++ project, but not for the one I'm trying to build, which builds works OK on the console, so I'm scratching my head trying to find what's happening here. Any ideas?

Thanks in advance.
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Re: Codelite not building anything, build process never ends

Post by eranif »

Can you post here the .project file?
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Re: Codelite not building anything, build process never ends

Post by derkomai »

Here it is:

Code: Select all

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<CodeLite_Project Name="BounceCube" InternalType="">
  <VirtualDirectory Name="src">
    <File Name="../../Dropbox/LIM/Proyectos/solidbounce/bounceCube/bounce/forces_disk.cpp"/>
    <File Name="../../Dropbox/LIM/Proyectos/solidbounce/bounceCube/bounce/main.cpp"/>
    <File Name="../../Dropbox/LIM/Proyectos/solidbounce/bounceCube/bounce/mass_parameters.cpp"/>
  <VirtualDirectory Name="include">
    <File Name="../../Dropbox/LIM/Proyectos/solidbounce/bounceCube/bounce/comp.h"/>
    <File Name="../../Dropbox/LIM/Proyectos/solidbounce/bounceCube/bounce/lectdatos.f90"/>

  <Settings Type="Executable">
    <Configuration Name="Debug" CompilerType="gnu g++" DebuggerType="GNU gdb debugger" Type="Executable" BuildCmpWithGlobalSettings="append" BuildLnkWithGlobalSettings="append" BuildResWithGlobalSettings="append">
      <Compiler Options="-g" Required="yes" PreCompiledHeader="">
        <IncludePath Value="."/>
      <Linker Options="" Required="yes"/>
      <ResourceCompiler Options="" Required="no"/>
      <General OutputFile="$(IntermediateDirectory)/$(ProjectName)" IntermediateDirectory="./" Command="./$(ProjectName)" CommandArguments="" WorkingDirectory="$(IntermediateDirectory)" PauseExecWhenProcTerminates="yes"/>
      <Debugger IsRemote="no" RemoteHostName="" RemoteHostPort="" DebuggerPath="">
      <CustomBuild Enabled="yes">
        <RebuildCommand>/usr/bin/make -j 8 clean && /usr/bin/make -j 8</RebuildCommand>
        <CleanCommand>/usr/bin/make -j 8 clean</CleanCommand>
        <BuildCommand>/usr/bin/make -j 8</BuildCommand>
        <SingleFileCommand>/usr/bin/make -f$(ProjectPath)/Makefile $(CurrentFileName).cpp.o</SingleFileCommand>
      <Compiler Options="">
        <IncludePath Value="."/>
      <Linker Options="">
        <LibraryPath Value="."/>
      <ResourceCompiler Options=""/>
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Re: Codelite not building anything, build process never ends

Post by eranif »

Some questions:

1. How do you build your project from the command line? (is it an out of source build?)
2. What happens when you run the exact sequence of commands from the terminal:

(replace $(WorkspacePath) with the _workspace_ path):

Code: Select all

cd $(WorkspacePath)
/usr/bin/make -j 8
Does it work?

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Re: Codelite not building anything, build process never ends

Post by derkomai »

Ok, so I have the following directory structure:

- codelite workspace:
-------- -codelite.workspace
-------- -project build directory

I'm building like: "make -j 8" from within the project build directory, which is located inside the codelite workspace directoy.

If I run "/usr/bin/make -j 8" from within the project directory, everything goes OK.
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Re: Codelite not building anything, build process never ends

Post by eranif »

so you need to change the "Working directory" in the project settings->customize->custom build->working directory to the project folder

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Re: Codelite not building anything, build process never ends

Post by derkomai »

I've just done that, but it does not seem to change anything.

Thanks for your help.
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Re: Codelite not building anything, build process never ends

Post by eranif »

Do you get anything in the 'Trace' tab?

Is there a chance you can post the entire workspace + sources? so I could try it out here?

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Re: Codelite not building anything, build process never ends

Post by derkomai »

Yes, when I click 'build' I get the following message in the trace tab: "09:37:03: Setting working directory to: /home/david/codelite" despite I've set the project working directoy to ' /home/david/codelite/bounceCube' (I still can see it in the custom build settings).

About the source, I'll ask If I can post it here.
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Re: Codelite not building anything, build process never ends

Post by eranif »

You can send it to me directly without posting it on the forum ( contact me on PM )

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