Using clang in codelite on windows: Include paths?

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Using clang in codelite on windows: Include paths?

Post by benam »


I want to use clang in Codelite on Windows 10. I found I don't really understand how these include paths work or what I should set them. Can somebody offer me help?

Another quick Question: Can I already use lldb for debugging in codelite on windows? Or is it planned to work?

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Re: Using clang in codelite on windows: Include paths?

Post by eranif »

About LLDB: last time when I used it on Windows + MinGW it did not work (LLDB)
Same as clang, is it stable for Windows? I did had problems with it when I tried using it (even compiling a simple "hello world" in clang++)

From their IRC channel, I was told that Windows is not a priority for them, so I too dropped it.
This was about a year ago (or even more...), maybe things have changed since then
Make sure you have read the HOW TO POST thread
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