The most recent CodeLite git needs to be built against wx3.1; and preferably against the patched 3.1 from
CodeLite was suffering from flicker when using gtk+3. IIUC the latest wx git has some workarounds, and there are more in
https://github.com/eranif/wxWidgets/. However these fixes mean that CodeLite currently fails to build against earlier wx releases.
That will change if the patch from
this bug-report are accepted. CodeLite would then build again with wx3.0.4; however flicker would still be a problem with a gtk+3 wx3.0.4.
Until that happens your choices are:
- Build your own wx3.1, preferable the fixed version.
Revert to a CodeLite from several days ago; I think #625a36fa2 would be OK.
Use your wx3.0.4, but apply to the latest CodeLite the patch from that bug-report.