I am happy to announce that codelite 5.3 is ready for download
Release highlight:
Release highlights:
NEW: A SFTP plugin was added to codelite. With the SFTP plugin one can now:
- Define new SSH accounts
- Browse on a remote machine
- Open remote files, edit and save the files directly to the remote machine
- "Workspace Mirroring": With this new feature the user can synchronize between 2 similar codelite workspaces
(i.e. every file saved on one machine will be copied automatically to the remote machine over SSH)
NEW: codelite-make: a command-line tool that generated Makefiles based on codelite's workspace / project. This tool does not require X-server to run
The following plugins were improved (new functionalites, UI updates): git, database explorer, cscope and Wizard (class generators)
Many bugs were fixed in this release, and there were UI improvements to many dialogs
For a full list of changes you can see in the ChangeLog file
And will you please add/improve the following feature?
1. memory view by word/double word format (by byte only current now).
2. More inteligent code hits and outline like visual assist X.
3. Conditional break points.
Outline shows tags only from current file. It would be interesting if Outline show source and header tags merged. Now it is just like shorcut list, but merged it would be more like project explorer.
Single click jumps to declaration, double click to definition... or something..
Debian GNU/Linux 7.3 (wheezy) x64; CodeLite 5.4 from repo & CodeLite self-compiled from git HEAD