Selected compiler of project template overwritten

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Selected compiler of project template overwritten

Post by Fred »

very useful features of CodeLite are the configuration management and the use of custom project templates.

A problem comes up, if more than a single compiler is used in the template.
When I select the template project in the New Project Dialog (Menu: Workspace / New Project ), I must select a compiler, though the compilers are already set in the template project.
All compilers in the project created from the template are overwritten with this selected compiler, and I must restore them in the project settings afterwards.
May I suggest to add an additional list entry to the compiler list of this dialog, which keeps the compilers as they are in the template project?

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Re: Selected compiler of project template overwritten

Post by eranif »

I agree. The compiler selection box seems like redundant as it is part of the template.
In this case it should be optionally

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