i have a project with, say, 10 classes: classA.h, classB.h ... classX.h. they are present in the left panel "Workspace View", which allows me to easily navigate between them.
say, classes ClassA.h and classB.h use classX, and therefore they both have the following code in theirs declarations:
it is obvious and works well.
now i want to rename classX to, say, classFoo.
to achieve this, i click on "classX.h" in the tree on the left panel "workspace view", and click "Rename..." on it in popupped context menu. this action invokes modal dialog "Rename file:" where i enter "classFoo" in textfield instead of current "classX". now i have my classFoo and it looks fine in the tree.
*BUT* all these 2 declarations in classA and classB described above (#include "classX") DID NOT changed. now we have classFoo but our old good classA and classB are still include "classX", i.e.they are in incorrect state.
solution is pretty easy: change "include "classX.h" to "include "classFoo.h"" in classA.h and classB.h manually. but it is too boring.