Significant CodeLite IDE's bugs on MacOSX since release 11

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Significant CodeLite IDE's bugs on MacOSX since release 11

Post by Raymi »

  • [Cmd+R] to find/replace string values in the editor crashes CodeLite
  • Navigation bar useless as soon as Doxygen comments are inserted (Before release 11)
  • Editor's format with fixed fonts are messy since CodeLite get baffled with tabs and spaces (Before release 11)
  • CodeLite scrambles specific UNICODE characters within the source code files when files are reopened
Am I the only one?
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Re: Significant CodeLite IDE's bugs on MacOSX since release

Post by eranif »

I did not experience any of the above, but I will try again tonight.
Which exact version of CodeLite are you using?
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Re: Significant CodeLite IDE's bugs on MacOSX since release

Post by Raymi »

Latest I tried is 11.0.7

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Re: Significant CodeLite IDE's bugs on MacOSX since release

Post by eranif »

I just build CodeLite on OSX and tested it - everything seems to work as expected.
No crashes, formatting is OK and the navigation bar works as expected (you get 2 drop down controls where you can quickly jump to functions)
I am using El Capitan (OSX 10.11/64 bit on MacBook Pro)

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Re: Significant CodeLite IDE's bugs on MacOSX since release

Post by Raymi »

Well, I experienced some of the explained issues since El Capitan. Now I'm using the latest OSX release High Sierra (10.13.3) 64 bits on MacBook Pro too.

I made some screen recordings and screenshots to document each of the issues, you can get them by downloading the archive containing the 4 descriptions: ... sp=sharing
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