CL freeze

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CL freeze

Post by jfouche »

I would like to know if I'm alone to have CL freeze during saving file operation. I often have to kill CL process.
I have to say that my computer is quite old and the hard drive is very slow (Win XP SP3).
If yes, don't worry, that must be my (buggy) computer.
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Re: CL freeze

Post by eranif »

jfouche wrote:I would like to know if I'm alone to have CL freeze during saving file operation. I often have to kill CL process.
I have to say that my computer is quite old and the hard drive is very slow (Win XP SP3).
If yes, don't worry, that must be my (buggy) computer.
I never had to kill codelite during save operation - on the worse case codelite crashed :D (did not experienced it in a while though)

I would start by disabling some functionalities:
- if u have the 'SymbolView' plugin - disable it
- if u have tags settings -> general -> 'colour workspace tags' enabled - disable it
- if u have tags settings -> general -> 'colour local variables tags' enabled - disable it

if non of the above works, tick 'disable auto parsing of saved files' from settings -> tags settings -> general
but note that in this case, you will need to manually re-tag your workspace once in a while (but with the new codelite_indexer it should work very fast)

Make sure you have read the HOW TO POST thread
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Re: CL freeze

Post by sdolim »

Does your hard-drive light go on during this time, and does it stay on?

If so, you might need to defragment your hard drive. But if this were the case you would see the same problem when saving files in other apps too.

Another possibility: How much RAM is being used by CL and your other apps and services? Maybe your computer is paging a lot.

In fact, you could have a both problems at the same time. You might even need to defragment your page file, which normal defragmenters won't do. Microsoft has a free page file defragmenter at ... 97426.aspx.

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Re: CL freeze

Post by jfouche »

Thanks for your answer and tips

- Removing lots of settings doesn't change anything.
- CL memory is about 10 Mo.
- the hard drive doesn't work to much (no light everytime), and lots of RAM is available.

Moreover, I can see that codelite_indexer is always running, is it normal ?
I have to say that my computer often freeze with lot's of application, but everything comes normal after few seconds.
Maybe the problem comes from CL, with timers that goes end before the end of a freezing period (just a supposition).
Don't waste to much time with this, as it maybe comes from my computer.
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