Path problem

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Path problem

Post by borisfa »

I want to build my c console application and get error .

C:\WINDOWS\system32\cmd.exe /C cd C:\CPrograms\Check\cmake-build-Debug\Check && mingw32-make.exe -j 8 -e
The system cannot find the path specified.
====0 errors, 0 warnings====

Any idea ?
codelite 13.0.7
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Re: Path problem

Post by eranif »

Did you install MinGW?
CodeLIte does not come with a compiler. You need to install one
Make sure you have read the HOW TO POST thread
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Re: Path problem

Post by borisfa »

MinGW installed I am runinng it from terminal .

1) How coud I upload build setting here to show a problem easier?
2) there are filed names mkdir and it works only it empty,
3)What is usage for this field ?
4) How coud I set home folder from gcc(minGM) , windows path only or any way to config it ?
5) How can I change make file ? I want to set compilation script myself (from IDE not from cmd of course)
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Re: Path problem

Post by eranif »

CodeLite does not rely on PATH.
Instead, to Settings->Build Settings

And click on the "+" button in the toolbar
In the dialog that opens, point it to the 'bin' folder of your MinGW follder and click the 'Select Folder' button

If the folder contains MinGW compiler binaries, CodeLite will detect it and will give it a name.
Click OK and close this dialog.

Next, right click on your project and select 'Settings', in the dialog that opens, select the 'General' tab in the left side
and then in the "Compiler" field, select the compiler you just added.

Build your project again
Make sure you have read the HOW TO POST thread
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