Codelite Cannot set Compilers - macOS 11 Big Sur Beta 9

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Re: Codelite Cannot set Compilers - macOS 11 Big Sur Beta 9

Post by eranif »

the main difference is that on macOS I am building wxWidgets as a single library
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Re: Codelite Cannot set Compilers - macOS 11 Big Sur Beta 9

Post by eranif »

This is how I build wxWidgets on macOS:

Code: Select all

cd /Users/you/src/wx-src/
mkdir build-release
cd build-release
../configure --enable-shared --enable-monolithic --with-osx_cocoa CXX='clang++ -std=c++11 -stdlib=libc++' CC=clang --disable-debug --disable-mediactrl
make -j4
sudo make install
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Re: Codelite Cannot set Compilers - macOS 11 Big Sur Beta 9

Post by evstevemd »

eranif wrote: Fri Dec 18, 2020 5:10 pm the main difference is that on macOS I am building wxWidgets as a single library
That explains the difference. But you can fix that anyway for us who build it as multiple.
One question though, why isn't CL providing an option to add wxWidgets as submodule? That would remove a lot of pains for sure.
I could try to look into that, if it is viable option.

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Re: Codelite Cannot set Compilers - macOS 11 Big Sur Beta 9

Post by evstevemd »

eranif wrote: Fri Dec 18, 2020 6:25 pm This is how I build wxWidgets on macOS:

Code: Select all

cd /Users/you/src/wx-src/
mkdir build-release
cd build-release
../configure --enable-shared --enable-monolithic --with-osx_cocoa CXX='clang++ -std=c++11 -stdlib=libc++' CC=clang --disable-debug --disable-mediactrl
make -j4
sudo make install
I see. That explains the difference. I will then have to submit PR for people who uses multi-lib build like me.

As of the main issue, I could not resolve it so I wiped `~/Library/Application Support/CodeLite` and then ran the Wizard which saved compilers fine.
Now all is well!

Thanks for your time and fixes

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Re: Codelite Cannot set Compilers - macOS 11 Big Sur Beta 9

Post by gkourtis »

I use linux ubuntu 20.10 and I cannot set compilers either. The behavior is the same ( compilers detected but not set). HELP I cannot use it ! Is there a text file to correct it any way ?
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Re: Codelite Cannot set Compilers - macOS 11 Big Sur Beta 9

Post by eranif »

You can edit the file ~/.codelite/config/build_settings.xml manually
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