Can't dock panes

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Can't dock panes

Post by zwastik »

version 16.0.0
os: archlinux
sway-git r6975.99fd096d-1
wlroots-git 0.16.0.r5785.a049d66d-1

I am using codelite within sway (wayland) and I am unable to dock dettached panes (the output pane to be precise, I don't want to detach others and not being able to dock them later). Also tested with GDK_BACKEND=x11 and same issue. There is also no "attach" option when right clicking on the pane.
What other information can i provide you?

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Re: Can't dock panes

Post by eranif »

CodeLite does not implement the docking
This part is coming from the wxWidgets library that we use

So understanding the wxWidgets version, GTK version etc could help
But I would definitely report this to the wxWidgets forum / mailing list (both are very active)


Make sure you have read the HOW TO POST thread
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