Broken keyboard shortcuts in new Scintilla

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Broken keyboard shortcuts in new Scintilla

Post by marfi »

Hi Eran,
it looks like keyboard shortcuts (at least assigned to external tools) don't work after update to new Scintilla. For example, I've attached F1 key to external tool which launch CHM help viewer but now after pressing of F1 key just some strange character is inserted to a source code at a cursor position and nothing more happen... Observed on Ubuntu 9.04 and CL 2934.

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Re: Broken keyboard shortcuts in new Scintilla

Post by eranif »

Well, I expected such things to happen... I will have a look at it.

I too noticed that hitting F1 inserts a strange char into the editor (Linux only), BUT if I open the keyboard shortcuts dialog (from 'Settings -> Keyboard shortcuts...') and clicking OK it seems to fix it.

Any other keys that you noticed that are broken?
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Re: Broken keyboard shortcuts in new Scintilla

Post by marfi »

Actually all user-defined function keys were broken till I applied your "patch". After closing of Keyboard shortcuts dialog by OK button everything seem to work again. Thanx for the tip!

Btw: is there any way how to pass selected text from code editor to external tools definition? What is the point: if I could pass selected text to arguments of external tool, then I could define things like "yelp man:selected text" which would open manpages for selected keywords, etc. This feature would be useful also for Windows, because you could "implement" context sensitive help using hh.exe as well.

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