Load Only a Project

Discussion about CodeLite development process and patches
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Load Only a Project

Post by DrOptix »

Hi :D

Eran I want to ask if it is on the TODO list to make CodeLite to open individual projects too> I ask because today I tried to open a project and instead of loading all virtual folders and all the stuff it just loaded the XML and shows it as plain text.

Also I want to suggest to make something like this:

Project contains build info and other things like files it manages
Workspace it's only a project container and maybe to have the ability to setup a global build schema for all projects.

To summarize me and maybe others would like to be able to use CodeLite without using workspace, specially when you have only one project.

For the moment I don't have time to implement all of this myself that's why I posted here, maybe someone is bored or can't sleep and may implement this.

~Dr.Optix (for the moment I'm busy with my own projects)

IDE: CodeLite, Code::Blocks, VisualStudio
Compiler: MinGW-TDM, VC++
Language: C++, C, C#, PHP, JavaScript, Python
Website: http://droptix.wordpress.com