CodeLite 5, Can't compile

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CodeLite 5, Can't compile

Post by Wolftein »

I just downloaded CodeLite + MinGW for Windows 7. I did all the steps to configurate MinGW and when i try to build my project i get this:

Code: Select all

"----------Building project:[ Voxelify - Debug ]----------"
mingw32-make.exe[1]: Entering directory `C:/Users/Administrador/Desktop/Voxelify
g++ -o ./Debug/Voxelify @"Voxelify.txt" -L.
g++: error: ECHO: No such file or directory
g++: error: está: No such file or directory
g++: error: desactivado.: No such file or directory recipe for target `Debug/Voxelify' failed
mingw32-make.exe[1]: *** [Debug/Voxelify] Error 1
mingw32-make.exe[1]: Leaving directory `C:/Users/Administrador/Desktop/Voxelify/
Voxelify' recipe for target `All' failed
mingw32-make.exe: *** [All] Error 2
Last edited by Wolftein on Tue Feb 12, 2013 1:19 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: CodeLite 5, Can't compile

Post by eranif »

Try disabling the 'pass objects to linker via file' from:
settings -> build settings -> compilers -> g++ -> advanced -> pass objects list to the linker via file

It should work with this option disabled.
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CodeLite Curious
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Re: CodeLite 5, Can't compile

Post by Wolftein »

Hello!, i got this error now :(.

Code: Select all

"----------Building project:[ Voxelify - Debug ]----------"
mingw32-make.exe[1]: Entering directory `C:/Users/Administrador/Desktop/Voxelify
g++ -o ./Debug/Voxelify   -L.
g++: fatal error: no input files
compilation terminated. recipe for target `Debug/Voxelify' failed
mingw32-make.exe[1]: *** [Debug/Voxelify] Error 1
mingw32-make.exe[1]: Leaving directory `C:/Users/Administrador/Desktop/Voxelify/
Voxelify' recipe for target `All' failed
mingw32-make.exe: *** [All] Error 2
I'm building from cmd.exe since if i build from CodeLite i get "Failed to start build process, command:

Code: Select all

 \COMMAND.COM /c "mingw32-make.exe -e -f  """, process terminated with exit code: 0\COMMAND.COM /c "mingw32-make.exe -e -f  "" build"

The command line i'm using is

Code: Select all

mingw32-make.exe -e -f
Last edited by Wolftein on Tue Feb 12, 2013 1:19 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: CodeLite 5, Can't compile

Post by eranif »

Its basically the same error
This is why the previous command failed.

It seems like your object list is empty, can you perform a *rebuild* and print the *entire* build output here?

Also: Please use code tags - its easier to read your 'build' output

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CodeLite Curious
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Re: CodeLite 5, Can't compile

Post by Wolftein »

When i click rebuild i get this

Code: Select all

Failed to start clean process, command: \COMMAND.COM /c "mingw32-make.exe -e -f  "" clean", process terminated with exit code: 0\COMMAND.COM /c "mingw32-make.exe -e -f  """
If i use command line clean is working

Code: Select all

C:\Users\Administrador\Desktop\Voxelify\Voxelify>mingw32-make.exe -e -f Voxelify
.mk clean
rm -f ./Debug/src_CPlugin.o
rm -f ./Debug/src_CPlugin.o.d
rm -f ./Debug/src_CPlugin.o.i
rm -f ./Debug/src_CPluginLua.o
rm -f ./Debug/src_CPluginLua.o.d
rm -f ./Debug/src_CPluginLua.o.i
rm -f ./Debug/src_CPluginManager.o
rm -f ./Debug/src_CPluginManager.o.d
rm -f ./Debug/src_CPluginManager.o.i
rm -f ./Debug/src_ProtocolBuffer.o
rm -f ./Debug/src_ProtocolBuffer.o.d
rm -f ./Debug/src_ProtocolBuffer.o.i
rm -f ./Debug/src_ScriptEngine.o
rm -f ./Debug/src_ScriptEngine.o.d
rm -f ./Debug/src_ScriptEngine.o.i
rm -f ./Debug/Voxelify
rm -f ./Debug/Voxelify.exe
rm -f "../.build-debug/Voxelify"
Build isn't

Code: Select all

C:\Users\Administrador\Desktop\Voxelify\Voxelify>mingw32-make.exe -e -f Voxelify
g++ -o ./Debug/Voxelify   -L.
g++: fatal error: no input files
compilation terminated. recipe for target `Debug/Voxelify' failed
mingw32-make.exe: *** [Debug/Voxelify] Error 1
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Re: CodeLite 5, Can't compile

Post by eranif »

Can you upload the makefile?
The interesting part is that codelite is using \COMMAND.COM
which means that you don't have the environment variable 'COMSPEC' set in your system (first time I have seen this...)

Can you please set COMSPEC environment variable (make it pointing to cmd.exe, usually its under C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe)

On my WIndows 7:

Code: Select all

C:\src\codelitegit\build-release>echo %COMSPEC%
Which OS are you using? (i.e. which windows version)

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Re: CodeLite 5, Can't compile

Post by Wolftein »

Eran, i'm using Windows 7 and %COMSPEC% was already in the system.

Code: Select all

C:\Users\Administrador>echo %COMSPEC%
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Re: CodeLite 5, Can't compile

Post by eranif »

Wolftein wrote:Failed to start clean process, command: \COMMAND.COM /c "mingw32-make.exe -e -f  "" clean", process terminated with exit code: 0\COMMAND.COM /c "mingw32-make.exe -e -f  """
This line suggests otherwise...

Did you modify it somehow in codelite's environment variables settings?

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CodeLite Curious
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Re: CodeLite 5, Can't compile

Post by Wolftein »

I followed this instruction ( Then i executed the IDE, create a new project and try to build it. I didn't change anything, i did what you told me, and still nothing :(.

Workspace makefile:

Code: Select all

.PHONY: clean All

	@echo "----------Building project:[ Voxelify - Debug ]----------"
	@cd "Voxelify" && $(MAKE) -f  ""
	@echo "----------Cleaning project:[ Voxelify - Debug ]----------"
	@cd "Voxelify" && $(MAKE) -f  "" clean
Project makefile:

Code: Select all

## Auto Generated makefile by CodeLite IDE
## any manual changes will be erased      
## Debug
ProjectName            :=Voxelify
ConfigurationName      :=Debug
WorkspacePath          := "C:\Users\Administrador\Desktop\Voxel"
ProjectPath            := "C:\Users\Administrador\Desktop\Voxel\Voxelify"
IntermediateDirectory  :=./Debug
OutDir                 := $(IntermediateDirectory)
CurrentFileName        :=
CurrentFilePath        :=
CurrentFileFullPath    :=
User                   :=Administrador
Date                   :=11/02/2013
CodeLitePath           :="C:\Program Files (x86)\CodeLite"
LinkerName             :=g++
SharedObjectLinkerName :=g++ -shared -fPIC
ObjectSuffix           :=.o
DependSuffix           :=.o.d
PreprocessSuffix       :=.o.i
DebugSwitch            :=-gstab
IncludeSwitch          :=-I
LibrarySwitch          :=-l
OutputSwitch           :=-o 
LibraryPathSwitch      :=-L
PreprocessorSwitch     :=-D
SourceSwitch           :=-c 
OutputFile             :=$(IntermediateDirectory)/$(ProjectName)
Preprocessors          :=
ObjectSwitch           :=-o 
ArchiveOutputSwitch    := 
PreprocessOnlySwitch   :=-E 
ObjectsFileList        :="Voxelify.txt"
PCHCompileFlags        :=
MakeDirCommand         :=makedir
RcCmpOptions           := 
RcCompilerName         :=windres
LinkOptions            :=  
IncludePath            :=  $(IncludeSwitch). $(IncludeSwitch). 
IncludePCH             := 
RcIncludePath          := 
Libs                   := 
ArLibs                 :=  
LibPath                := $(LibraryPathSwitch). 

## Common variables
## AR, CXX, CC, CXXFLAGS and CFLAGS can be overriden using an environment variables
AR       := ar rcus
CXX      := g++
CC       := gcc
CXXFLAGS :=  -g -O0 -Wall $(Preprocessors)
CFLAGS   :=  -g -O0 -Wall $(Preprocessors)

## User defined environment variables
CodeLiteDir:=C:\Program Files (x86)\CodeLite
UNIT_TEST_PP_SRC_DIR:=C:\Program Files (x86)\UnitTest
PATH:=$(PATH);c:\Program Files (x86)\MinGW\bin\


## Main Build Targets 
.PHONY: all clean PreBuild PrePreBuild PostBuild
all: $(OutputFile)

$(OutputFile): $(IntermediateDirectory)/.d $(Objects) 
	@$(MakeDirCommand) $(@D)
	@echo "" > $(IntermediateDirectory)/.d
	@echo $(Objects0)  > $(ObjectsFileList)
	$(LinkerName) $(OutputSwitch)$(OutputFile) $(Objects) $(LibPath) $(Libs) $(LinkOptions)

	@$(MakeDirCommand) "./Debug"


## Objects
$(IntermediateDirectory)/main$(ObjectSuffix): main.cpp $(IntermediateDirectory)/main$(DependSuffix)
	$(CXX) $(IncludePCH) $(SourceSwitch) "C:/Users/Administrador/Desktop/Voxel/Voxelify/main.cpp" $(CXXFLAGS) $(ObjectSwitch)$(IntermediateDirectory)/main$(ObjectSuffix) $(IncludePath)
$(IntermediateDirectory)/main$(DependSuffix): main.cpp
	@$(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) $(IncludePCH) $(IncludePath) -MG -MP -MT$(IntermediateDirectory)/main$(ObjectSuffix) -MF$(IntermediateDirectory)/main$(DependSuffix) -MM "main.cpp"

$(IntermediateDirectory)/main$(PreprocessSuffix): main.cpp
	@$(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) $(IncludePCH) $(IncludePath) $(PreprocessOnlySwitch) $(OutputSwitch) $(IntermediateDirectory)/main$(PreprocessSuffix) "main.cpp"

-include $(IntermediateDirectory)/*$(DependSuffix)
## Clean
	$(RM) $(IntermediateDirectory)/main$(ObjectSuffix)
	$(RM) $(IntermediateDirectory)/main$(DependSuffix)
	$(RM) $(IntermediateDirectory)/main$(PreprocessSuffix)
	$(RM) $(OutputFile)
	$(RM) $(OutputFile).exe
	$(RM) "../.build-debug/Voxelify"

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