no symbol for source files

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no symbol for source files

Post by vpindarico »


Since a couple of days I am using codelite installed from source tarball on my ubuntu 8.04. I appreciate it very much!

I have some question, here is the first one:

I can view all the symbols of my project if I select "current project" from the dropdown menu in the Symbols tag of the Workspace view, but if I select "current file" instead, then symbols are available only for .hpp, not for .cpp files.

Any hint?

Thank you in advance.
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Re: no symbol for source files

Post by eranif »

1) (FYI) The symbols you are viewing are not generated from the CScope plugin, but rather from the SymbolView plugin
2) You should be able to view all symbols regardless of the file extension, assuming they meet the followings:
- The cpp file is part of your workspace
- Your workspace is retagged properly

Make sure that all the above is true, if you still can't see the symbols, try retagging your workspace from the *main* menu:
Workspace | Retag Workspace (full)

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Re: no symbol for source files

Post by vpindarico »

Thank you for your incredibly prompt reply :o

All the .cpp files have been imported and they appear in the workspace tab together with the .hpp files. So I assume they are part of the workspace.

I tried mouse right/Retag Workspace, then Workspace/Retag Workspace (full), but nothing changed.
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Re: no symbol for source files

Post by eranif »

Try to reproduce the problem using a minimal project, zip and attach it here (the entire workspace directory + all source files)

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Re: no symbol for source files

Post by vpindarico »

Here it is.

Thank you.

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Re: no symbol for source files

Post by vpindarico »

Uhm, no... you have a limit of 256 kb and my tgz is 773

My code is a total of 980 bytes in 3 files + makefile, but the .tags file is 3,7 Mb before compression.

How is it possible?
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Re: no symbol for source files

Post by eranif »

vpindarico wrote:but the .tags file is 3,7 Mb before compression.

How is it possible?
Because the tags files also includes symbols from the system include files which you are including in your code (e.g. stdio.h, stdlib.h etc)

Just delete the '.tags' file and zip it

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Re: no symbol for source files

Post by vpindarico »


You do not have the required permissions to view the files attached to this post.
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Re: no symbol for source files

Post by eranif »

Thanks for the sample workspace.
The bug is now fixed in trunk.

In short, it turns out that the SymbolView plugin assumed that ".h" is the only valid extension for header files...
I changed the code to use codelite's FileExtManager class which handles it better (in your example the header file was named 'Useless.hpp') and it is working as expected now.

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Re: no symbol for source files

Post by vpindarico »

eranif wrote:Thanks for the sample workspace.
The bug is now fixed in trunk.

In short, it turns out that the SymbolView plugin assumed that ".h" is the only valid extension for header files...
I changed the code to use codelite's FileExtManager class which handles it better (in your example the header file was named 'Useless.hpp') and it is working as expected now.

Thank you, I will try the trunk in the next few days.

Is there a board where to post suggestions or requests?

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